Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet Dreams. LMAO!

Nando: lol I'm bout to send you the joint after I tell you about my WILD ass dream...
ThrillaNilla: Lol ok
ThrillaNilla:Well... it looks like youre going to have to wait to tell me the story.. I'm about to go to lunch.
Nando: k
Nando: damn....
ThrillaNilla: Well I THOUGHT I was about to go to lunch. Lol.
Nando: So I'm in High School, and It's SOMETHING I forgot what happened but all of a sudden I'm running down a High Schoo hallway with Big Boi from Outkast while he's running down there with this BAD ASS white girl and I get past ALL the teachers classes and didin't get in trouble and all of a sudden out of nowhere, Afrika Bambaataa "Looking for the perfect beat"started playing and I started dancing like shit. I'm late for whatever class I was in and soon as I got to the door eyeryone was looking at me, so the song came on again and I started getting it. haha! and when they were done I was like, "Give it up for my band...they're so lovely don't you agree?" ROTFLMAO!!!!! Crazy right? lmao
ThrillaNilla: HAHAHA
ThrillaNilla: WOW
ThrillaNilla: I think that just made my day. LMAO

Lol. Just thought the dream was funny.

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