Monday, December 8, 2008

The power of music...

is truly amazing. Seriously. The way music can bring out your emotions is incredible. Whether it be the blues, hip-hop, or even country, emotions tend to rise out of the soul and be portrayed through tears, laughter, anger, etc. For me, music puts me in a zone. It makes everything in life disappear and I'm all of the sudden in a new world. Music is my therapy. Music is my escape. Music is my best friend. Not just hip-hop, rap, and R&B either. (Btw where is R&B these days?) The blues, rock and roll, jazz, etc. can also put me in my zone (depending on the artist and/or era). Music can be so under appreciated sometimes, though. Like... what if there was no music? A world without music... what a terrible place this would be. Musical capability and talent is a gift. Not everyone has it, but I'm thankful for the ones who do.
I wish that I could share the select underground artists from the DMV areas' music with the world. They are missing out on great things. It's a shame that the rich and famous can't take time out of their busy schedules to recognize the real and the talented. Since the only way the world (or atleast the country) can hear us is through them.
Anyways, in the end, Music is just dope as hell.

2 comments: said...

and yet you haveno musical talent.

Thrilla Nilla said...

Boy you don't know what the f*ck I have. Did you know I can play the piano? No, you didn't. It's concidered music as well. So think before you speak.
Anyway, was I talking about myself? No.