Saturday, January 10, 2009


Okay, so my brother gave me his already locked iPhone a few months ago. I went to go put my songs on there and I accidentally re-locked it. I need help un-locking it! I don't know how and I've tried EVERYTHING. If you know of anyone or even if you yourself can help, PLEASE let me know. I basically don't have a phone right now because of this and I'm pretty upset. :(
I would appreciate it!
Love you all!


K-TO said...

im sure there's an un-lock button to press on the screen

Thrilla Nilla said...

No, no. iPhones can only be used with AT&T. I have T-Mobile. So with my T-Mobile sim card in the phone, I'm not able to actually get inside of the phone. Therefore it needs to be unlocked.
Everyone tells me, "Just slide the bar, duhhh"

Thrilla Nilla said...

No, no. iPhones can only be used with AT&T. I have T-Mobile. So with my T-Mobile sim card in the phone, I'm not able to actually get inside of the phone. Therefore it needs to be unlocked.
Everyone tells me, "Just slide the bar, duhhh"